
A musical instrument is a device constructed or modified for the purpose of making music. In principle, anything that produces sound can serve as a musical instrument. The term "musical instrument", however, is generally reserved for items that have a specific musical purpose such as a piano.

Now guitar is the most famous instument in the world The guitar is a musical instrument with ancient roots that is used in a wide variety of musical styles. It typically has six strings, but four, seven, eight, ten, and twelve string guitars also exist.Guitars are recognized as one of the primary instruments in blues, country, flamenco, rock music, and many forms of pop. They can also be a solo classical instrument. Guitars may be played acoustically, where the tone is produced by vibration of the strings and modulated by the hollow body, or they may rely on an amplifier that can electronically manipulate tone. Such electric guitars were introduced in the 20th century and continue to have a profound influence on popular culture.Traditionally guitars have usually been constructed of combinations of various woods and strung with animal gut, or more recently, with either nylon or steel strings. Guitars are made and repaired by luthiers.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gopika Vasantham - Malayalam

Song: Gopika vasantham
Scale: Cm

Cm Cm Cm Cm Gm Gm GmM7 Cm
Go pi kaa va san tham mmmm thE di
Cm Cm Cm Cm D# D# G# Cm
vana maa li.. na vana va

Cm Cm Cm Cm Gm Gm GmM7 Cm
Go pi kaa va san tham mmmm thE di
Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm
vana maa li.. en

G#7 G#7 G#7 G#7 G#7 G#7 G#7 G#7
mana muru gum...
G#7 G#7 D# D# Cm Cm Gm Cm
vira hathaa pa maRi ya aa dhen dhe

Gopika vasantham thEdi vanamaali..

Interlude 1:

Gm D#m Cm - Cm Gm Gm D#m Cm - Cm Gm
Gm D#m Cm - Cm Gm Gm D#m Cm - Cm
Cm Cm Gm G# G#M7 Cm Gm Cm G/B
A#/A# A# D# D# G# Cm7 G# A#7
A# --G# - D# --Fm -
Cm Gm Cm Cm/G
Cm - - - -


Cm/D# -/D# D#/D# G# Cm/D# -/D# D#/D# G#
neela me gam nenji lE thiya
Cm/C Cm/C Gm/G Cm/C Cm/C Cm/C DD#/D# Gm/D
ponn thaara ga maaNen raa dha (2)

Cm Gm Cm Cdim G# D# Cm7 Cm
ali yum thO rum ali yum en (2)

G#M7 Cdim Cm Cm Cm Cm Gm Cm
pari bhavam in nari yaa aa dhen dhe (Gopika)

Interlude 2:

Cm Cm Cm Cm GmM7 GmM7 GmM7 GmM7
Cm Cm Cm Cm Gm Gm Gm Gm
Gm Gm Gm Gm Cm Cm Cm Cm
Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm
G# D# Cm Cm D# D# Cm Cm
Cm G# Gm Cm

Notes on Raga ShaNmukhapriya:

In Cm scale this raga could take the following chords (they are fully "in" raga):

(1) C - Cm, Cm7, Cmadd9, Cm11, Cdim, Chalf dim 7
(2) D - Daug, Daug-7,D-5,D7-5
(3) D# - D#, D#M7, D#m, D#mM7, D#6
(4) F# - F#-5
(5) G - Gm, GmM7
(6) G# - G#, G#7, G#M7


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